Monday, August 11, 2008

Group A: "Node"

So we went ahead with the idea of a "user created world" where artists and storytellers collaborate to create content about a single, fictional world and bring the world to life through their own imagination.

For this portion of our project we constructed a graphical prototype of what the finished homepage and other pages may look like. This homepage has an area where the user can sign in. Buttons (that will be drop-down menus) for navigating the site and uploading art/stories (The Tavern is a chat room/message board, by the way). There is also a brief introduction story and links to recently added content and top/most popular content as well as a story of the day.

The layout for each page will be very similar and the map will always be on every page. The map currently in there is from Warcraft, but it serves as a good example of a fictional map that still leaves much to the imagination.

This second page is an example of a story page. On story pages, a marker on the map shows where the events in the story are taking place. On the left hand side are images and descriptions of characters and places in the story. These can be minimized or maximized by clicking on them.


Christine said...

This looks really good!

karentl said...

love the comps! good inspiration for more stories (i was approaching writer's block haha)